/ News / Creative Connection road-shows launched in Limavady

Creative Connection road-shows launched in Limavady

Copyright Trey Ratcliff All Rights Reserved

Culture, Arts and Leisure Minister Carál Ní Chuilín has launched a series of the Creative Connection road-shows in Limavady.

The aim of the road-shows is to raise awareness of the value and potential of culture, arts and leisure initiatives to address economic and social disadvantage.

Speaking at the Roe Valley Arts and Conference Centre in Limavady, the Minister said: “Culture, arts and leisure are important facets of sustainable economic growth, as well as vital tools for the promotion of equality.

“Starting off this series of road-shows in the North West underlines my commitment to this region and to engage with communities in the greater Derry City area. Many benefits were realised as a result of last year’s hugely successful City of Culture. I want to see those benefits extended across the region to grow the economy and tackle disadvantage.”

The Minister added: “My Department and our Arms Length Bodies are committed to delivering targeted public resources for those sectors and groups in our society facing greatest inequalities within areas of greatest objective need.

“Bringing arts, culture and sport into your area can have a positive impact on your overall health and well being as well providing important opportunities to develop new skills and create employment. These road-shows will showcase the work that is already being done by the DCAL family to make a difference in the lives of ordinary people.”

Arts connections North West


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